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Shielded Waste Bin 18 liter

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  • Compact
  • Easy-to-use hinged opening
  • Easy to clean

This shielded waste bin with a volume of 18 liters is designed for tabletop use in hot labs. The easy-to-use hinged opening enables quick disposal of radioactive waste and minimizes exposure. The clean stainless steel finishing makes it easy to decontaminate the exterior of the shielded waste bin. The inside of this shielded waste bin is finished with epoxy coated lead. Heavy waste should not be dropped directly into the shielded waste bin, but instead be placed into the lead finished interior to prevent damage to the epoxy coated lead


Stefan Mårtensson


Technical specification

Finishing material: Stainless steel exterior, epoxy coated lead interior
Shielding material: Lead
Shielding thickness: 3 mm
Outside dimensions: 220 x 210 x 560 mm (w x d x h)
Inside dimensions: 200 x 200 x 530 mm (w x d x h)
Weight: 37 kg

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