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Rod sources

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The type R rod is used for calibrating well type NaI(Tl) detectors. The active diameter of the rod standard is 4,75 mm. It is constructed of high strength plastic and is offered in three sizes:
R1 = 127 mm x 15,9 mm diameter
R2 = 127 mm x 12,7 mm diameter
R3 = 74,9 mm x 12,7 mm diameter.

Replace partnumber x with R1, R2 or R3 to order

GF-241-x Americium-241 432.17 y 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-124-x Antimony-124 60.20 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-125A-x Antimony-125A 1007.7 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-133-x Barium-133 3862 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-007-x Beryllium-7 On Request
GF-207-x Bismuth-207 1.16 x 10d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-109-x Cadmium-109 462.6 d 1.85 kBq-37 MBq
GF-139-x Cerium-139 137.640 d 185 Bq-370 kBq
GF-141-x Cerium-141 32.5 d
GF-134-x Cesium-134 754.28 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-137-x Cesium-137 30.17 y 185 Bq-37 MBq
GF-051-x Chromium-51 27.706 d 925 Bq-18.5 MBq
GF-056-x Cobalt-56 77.31 d 370 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-057-x Cobalt-57 271.79 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-058-x Cobalt-58 70.86 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-060-x Cobalt-60 5.272 y 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-152-x Europium-152 4933 d 925 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-154-x Europium-154 3136.8 d 925 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-155-x Europium-155 1770 d 370 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-153-x Gadolinium-153 242 d 370 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-068-x Germanium-68 270.8 d 3.7 kBq-3.7 MBq
GF-166-x Holmium-166m 1200 y 370 Bq-370 kBq
GF-125-x Iodine-125 59.43 d 370 Bq-370 kBq
GF-129-x Iodine-129 1.57  x 107 y 1.85 kBq-37 kBq
GF-059-x Iron-59 44.51 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-054-x Manganese-54 312.3 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-203-x Mercury-203 46.595 d 370 Bq-1.85 MBq
GF-226-x Radium-226 1600 y 1.85 kBq-370 kBq
GF-106-x Ruthenium-106 1.020 y 925 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-046-x Scandium-46 83.79 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-075-x Selenium-75 119.64 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-110-x Silver-110m 249.8 d 185 Bq-1.85 MBq
GF-131-x Simulated I-131 ~5 y 1.85 kBq-3.7 MBq
GF-022-x Sodium-22 950.8 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-085-x Strontium-85 64.849 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-228-x Thorium-228 698.2 d 1.85 kBq-370 kBq
GF-113-x Tin-113 115.09 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-235-x Uranium-235 7.037  x 108 y 370 Bq-3.7 kBq
GF-238U-x Uranium (Natural) 4.468  x 109 y 370 Bq-1.29 kBq
GF-088-x Yttrium-88 106.630 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-065-x Zinc-65 244.26 d 185 Bq-3.7 MBq
GF-095-x Zirconium-95/Nb-95 64.02 d 370 Bq-1.85 MBq

Data sheet


Stefan Mårtensson


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