Rod sources
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Service & reparation Request a quoteThe type R rod is used for calibrating well type NaI(Tl) detectors. The active diameter of the rod standard is 4,75 mm. It is constructed of high strength plastic and is offered in three sizes:
R1 = 127 mm x 15,9 mm diameter
R2 = 127 mm x 12,7 mm diameter
R3 = 74,9 mm x 12,7 mm diameter.
Replace partnumber x with R1, R2 or R3 to order
GF-241-x | Americium-241 | 432.17 y | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-124-x | Antimony-124 | 60.20 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-125A-x | Antimony-125A | 1007.7 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-133-x | Barium-133 | 3862 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-007-x | Beryllium-7 | On Request | |
GF-207-x | Bismuth-207 | 1.16 x 104 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-109-x | Cadmium-109 | 462.6 d | 1.85 kBq-37 MBq |
GF-139-x | Cerium-139 | 137.640 d | 185 Bq-370 kBq |
GF-141-x | Cerium-141 | 32.5 d | — |
GF-134-x | Cesium-134 | 754.28 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-137-x | Cesium-137 | 30.17 y | 185 Bq-37 MBq |
GF-051-x | Chromium-51 | 27.706 d | 925 Bq-18.5 MBq |
GF-056-x | Cobalt-56 | 77.31 d | 370 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-057-x | Cobalt-57 | 271.79 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-058-x | Cobalt-58 | 70.86 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-060-x | Cobalt-60 | 5.272 y | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-152-x | Europium-152 | 4933 d | 925 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-154-x | Europium-154 | 3136.8 d | 925 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-155-x | Europium-155 | 1770 d | 370 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-153-x | Gadolinium-153 | 242 d | 370 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-068-x | Germanium-68 | 270.8 d | 3.7 kBq-3.7 MBq |
GF-166-x | Holmium-166m | 1200 y | 370 Bq-370 kBq |
GF-125-x | Iodine-125 | 59.43 d | 370 Bq-370 kBq |
GF-129-x | Iodine-129 | 1.57 x 107 y | 1.85 kBq-37 kBq |
GF-059-x | Iron-59 | 44.51 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-054-x | Manganese-54 | 312.3 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-203-x | Mercury-203 | 46.595 d | 370 Bq-1.85 MBq |
GF-226-x | Radium-226 | 1600 y | 1.85 kBq-370 kBq |
GF-106-x | Ruthenium-106 | 1.020 y | 925 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-046-x | Scandium-46 | 83.79 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-075-x | Selenium-75 | 119.64 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-110-x | Silver-110m | 249.8 d | 185 Bq-1.85 MBq |
GF-131-x | Simulated I-131 | ~5 y | 1.85 kBq-3.7 MBq |
GF-022-x | Sodium-22 | 950.8 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-085-x | Strontium-85 | 64.849 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-228-x | Thorium-228 | 698.2 d | 1.85 kBq-370 kBq |
GF-113-x | Tin-113 | 115.09 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-235-x | Uranium-235 | 7.037 x 108 y | 370 Bq-3.7 kBq |
GF-238U-x | Uranium (Natural) | 4.468 x 109 y | 370 Bq-1.29 kBq |
GF-088-x | Yttrium-88 | 106.630 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-065-x | Zinc-65 | 244.26 d | 185 Bq-3.7 MBq |
GF-095-x | Zirconium-95/Nb-95 | 64.02 d | 370 Bq-1.85 MBq |
Data sheet
Stefan Mårtensson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566803
- Mobile: +46 (0)76-8265837