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Borate Fusion

Borate fusion can be used for sample preparation prior to XRF analysis and solutions prior to AA, ICP, wet chemistry etc. It is an attractive sample preparation method, especially when dealing with difficult oxides. Typical samples include cements, ores, slag, sediments, soils, rocks, ceramics, pigments and glasses. Moreover, sub-oxidized samples such as ferroalloys, alloys, pure metals, catalysts, polymers and sulfides can also be processed by fusion after an oxidation step.

Gammadata Instrument is representing Claisse – a world leader and the first in its field in the development of analytical fusion techniques, instrumentation and fine chemistry science. Claisse is world-renowned for its outstanding achievements in the development of inorganic sample preparation by fusion for XRF, AA, ICP and wet chemistry analysis.

Gammadata Instruments provides all aspects for borate fusion, ranging from flux, platinum to fluxers, WROXI – Certified Reference Materials, and even fully automated solutions for weighing of flux.

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