QC software
Elysia-raytest develops and sells different software solutions. We propose simple software for the use of single instruments or dedicated to simple applications as well as global software solutions for Production and QC laboratories.
Genie 4.0

Integrated data collection and analysis Supports up to over 250 detector inputs Distributed Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) network with centralized...
APEX Software Family

APEX is the name of a family of software’s designed for laboratory spectroscopy.

GINA X is a data acquisition and evaluation software for chromatography, specialized for radio-chromatography and easy control of your liquid or gas...

GINA X is a data acquisition and evaluation software for different analytical instruments used during quality control of radiopharmaceuticals. Simply...

The Clarity chromatography software is a universal solution for nearly any commercially available chromatograph, it controls a very large range of...