Pharma 16 Twin-screw Extruder
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
Pharmaceutical twin-screw extruder for optimization of drug process development in Hot Melt Extrusion and Twin-Screw Granulation
The Thermo Scientific™ Pharma 16 Twin-Screw Extruder is very compact and designed specifically for the pharmaceutical industry where both lab and production space is at a premium. Formulation processes developed on the Pharma 16 extruder can also be easily scaled-up across all pharmaceutical
extruders in the Thermo Scientific product family. This flexible instrument is designed for a wide range of applications:
• Controlled release formulations
• Solubility enhancement
• Co-extrusion and implants
• Abuse deterrent formulations
• Wet and melt granulation
Based on the experience from successful pharmaceutical extrusion projects in R&D and production, the Pharma 16 extruder was designed from the ground up to adapt to the changing needs of a highly regulated industry. The compact housing with optional IP65 protection class is designed absolutely crevice-free for meeting optimal GMP compliance. The fully-ported, split twin-screw barrel with 8 individual heating and cooling zones, and up to 150 bars operational pressure ensures maximum flexibility in process design.
Ota yhteyttä
Chris Bradburn
- Myynti - Materiaalianalyysi
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-56 68 09
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)70-396 18 88

Tekniset tiedot
Pharma 16 Twin-screw Extruder Video