3D Reconstruction
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
With the 3D Roughness Reconstruction application, the Phenom desktop SEM systems are able to generate three-dimensional images and submicrometer roughness measurements.
3D imaging helps to interpret sample characteristics and makes images understandable for a larger group of users. It is often difficult, for example, to identify dents, scratches and burrs from flat 2D images. Measuring the average roughness (Ra) and the roughness height (Rz) is critical for controlling and understanding production processes. By using SEM imaging for data collection, a much better resolution can be achieved than by using traditional (indirect) methods.
Key Specifications
- Intuitive user interface, maximum employability
- Intuitive fully automated user interface
- Based on ”shape from shading” technology, no stage tilt required
- Fast reconstruction
Ota yhteyttä
Ramin Lindqvist
- Myynti - Materiaali Analyysi
- Matkapuhelin: +358 (0)400 570 760
- ramin.lindqvist@gammadata.fi