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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The ProSuite software package enables Phenom users to extract maximum information from images made with the Phenom desktop scanning electron microscope (SEM). It extends the capabilities of the Phenom, a high-resolution imaging tool, to satisfy specific application needs. The ProSuite software is installed on the Phenom Application System. This monitor-mounted PC is the hardware platform for all ProSuite software, leaving the Phenom system in its original state and guaranteeing maximum system stability and uptime.
The Phenom Application System and ProSuite are available for any Phenom desktop SEM. The Phenom Application System can be connected directly via local a network or the Internet, enabling network storage and remote system control.
Key Specifications
- Automated collection of images
- Real-time remote control
- Intuitive single-page user interface
- Standard applications included: Automated Image Mapping & Remote User Interface
- Dedicated for Pro & ProX desktop SEM
Ota yhteyttä
Ramin Lindqvist
- Myynti - Materiaali Analyysi
- Matkapuhelin: +358 (0)400 570 760