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LSR-3 – Seebeck Coefficient – Electric Resistivity

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
Using the Linseis LSR-Platform, thermoelectric materials in the form of solid material as well as in the form of thin films can be characterized almost completely. In the basic version – LSR-3, both the Seebeck-Coefficient and the Electrical Conductivity (or resistivity) of solid materials can be measured fully automatically and simultaneously up to a maximum temperature of 1500°C.

The basic version can be combined with various options to expand the range of applications. For example, the low-temperature option allows fully automatic measurements with LN2-cooling down to -100°C. The use of a special thin-film adapter extends the measurement range and allows to measure foils and thin layers. An optional camera allows the determination of the electrical conductivity with highest accuracy and the use of the “high-ohm” option allows a significant extension of the measuring range in order to characterize also electrically poor conducting samples.

  • Nearly ideal 1-D heatflux through the sample

  • Thanks to the high-ohm option and variably positionable thermocouples, even the most demanding samples can be measured reliably

  • Interchangeable furnaces allow measurements in the temperature range from -100°C to 1500°C

  • Direct ZT measurement on legs (Harman method) and modules (impedance spectroscopy)

  • Thermal conductivity measurement by Harman method

  • High-speed infrared furnace for excellent temperature control during the measurement and higher sample throughput

  • Wide range of thermocouples available

  • Camera option for high-precision resistivity measurements

Ota yhteyttä

Chris Bradburn


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