Code of Conduct
Gammadata, hereinafter referred to as the company, is a business that resells high-tech instruments from reputable international companies to industrial and university customers in the Nordic region.
Internally, the company uses the concept “tillsammans och var för sig”. This means that the company constantly works for an environment where all employees understand their value to the company’s success and profitability. It also means that everyone should strive for a work environment characterized by tolerance, openness, cooperation and respect for each other and each other’s roles in the company.
The company aims to establish close and long-term relationships with customers, suppliers, and other business partners. This effort is based on a foundation of goals, requirements, and guidelines regarding business conduct, professionalism, ethics, and integrity.
The company aligns its principles with the UN Global Compact (, ILO core conventions (, and OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises ( Our Code of Conduct is inspired by these principles. The company adheres to all applicable laws and regulations and, when necessary, will introduce standards that align with those principles where existing laws and regulations do not align with them. The company expects customers and suppliers, at a minimum, to be aware of and comply with current legislation.
The responsibility for ensuring ongoing work in accordance with our Code of Conduct lies with the CEO.
Political Engagement
The company maintains neutrality towards political parties and candidates. The name Gammadata and any resources under the company’s control should not be used to promote the interests of political parties or candidates.
The company does not tolerate corruption, bribes, or unfair competition practices. The company follows the Swedish Business Code issued by the Institute Against Bribery (IMM), which guides companies on how gifts, rewards, and other benefits in business can be used to promote the company’s activities. All sales and marketing of the company’s products and services should comply with relevant laws and regulations in each country. The company shall not offer or provide undue payment or other compensation to any person or organization to induce them to establish or maintain a business relationship with the company.
Working Conditions
The company strives to be a respected employer and ensures a good working environment. It seeks to be an attractive employer regarding employees’ personal development. The relationship among employees should be based on mutual respect and allow reasonable influence in areas affecting individual work situations. The company expects customers and suppliers to follow the same basic principles as the company.
Work Environment
The company provides a good workplace, caring for employees’ health, well-being, and development. It ensures that workspaces, equipment, interactions, job descriptions, and competence development contribute to a work environment that prevents physical and mental health issues and promotes well-being and development. The health and safety of the company’s employees should be prioritized, with appropriate protections used, safe equipment and buildings, and the safe handling of hazardous substances and waste.
Gender Equality
The company aims to provide equal opportunities for career development, education, compensation, job content, and employment conditions, regardless of gender. In cases where gender pay gaps exist, the company actively works to address and equalize them. The company also promotes a more balanced gender distribution in recruitment.
The company offers equal opportunities for employment regardless of race, religion, gender, age, disability, family status, or sexual orientation. It works to counteract any form of discrimination in the workplace, including salary and career development. The company strives to implement effective processes to detect and address any cases of discrimination.
Other Employment Conditions
Employees should be treated with respect and dignity. No employee should, under any circumstances, be subjected to physical punishment or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological punishment, harassment, or coercion. The company does not accept forced labor, involuntary or unpaid labor in any form. Employees should have the freedom to exercise their legal right to be a member of, organize, or work for organizations representing their interests as employees of the company.
The company adopts a circular economy approach and resource conservation as a crucial principle in its business activities. Environmental considerations should be considered in important decisions to create long-term value for the company’s customers, employees, shareholders, and society at large. Environmentally friendly measures should be taken as far as technically possible, economically reasonable, and environmentally justified. Customers and suppliers are expected to be aware of and follow requirements according to national legislation, regulations, and industry standards.
All information about our business with customers and suppliers is confidential, as well as all information about our employees and internal matters. Information about services and products that customers/suppliers buy/sell is also confidential unless otherwise agreed upon.
Employee Engagement Outside the Company
Involvement in external activities, such as employment outside the company, board membership, or similar roles for another company or organization, or the operation of any business activity, should be reported to and approved by the immediate supervisor.
Financial Reporting and Accounting
All financial reporting and accounting shall be maintained and reported in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Reporting should provide information that is helpful and beneficial to users. All assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and activities shall be described accurately.
Social Media
Most employees at the company have access to the Internet and social media in the workplace. These, like phones and email, are tools for work-related communication. Anyone communicating in social media in their professional role always represents the company. Therefore, all communication must align with the company’s values and be consistent with how the company communicates in other channels. As employees, we must also clearly distinguish between private and professional presence on the Internet and social media.
The company maintains an open attitude in dialogue with those affected by its operations. The company responds to inquiries from external parties and communicates with relevant stakeholders in a correct and effective manner. Questions can be emailed to
Managers and leaders in the company should be aware of and within their areas of responsibility ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct, as well as relevant national laws and regulations. The CEO is responsible for ensuring that key customers and suppliers are aware of the Code of Conduct. All employees are responsible for acting in accordance with the values and business principles of the Code of Conduct. The company’s management is responsible for ensuring that the work around the Code of Conduct is an ongoing process.
Each employee in the company is responsible for reporting any cases of fraud or other criminal behavior to management, and any deviations from the Code of Conduct should also be reported. Identified violations of the company’s Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action. Employees unsure whether specific behavior may violate this Code should consult their immediate supervisor.
Responsibility for Employees
The CEO is responsible for disseminating the content and purpose of this Code of Conduct within the company and for encouraging employees to report situations that may conflict with these rules. There is no penalty or other negative consequences for individuals who report in good faith.