Identifinder R300
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
Identifinder R300 features a high performing small sized spectroscopic identification instrument with CZT detector. Like other FLIR radiation identifinder instruments, it has bluetooth, web server and GPS offering full reach back functionality. CZT detectors is more rugged than scintillation-based detectors and does not require temperature stabilization. The R300 is also available with an optional neutron detector as well as a full range of accessories.
Tekniset tiedot
Detectors: CdZnTe, Three crystals; 15 × 13 × 5 mm
Neutron He-3; 15mm × 54 mm @ 8 atm
Energy Range: 30 keV – 3 MeV
Energy Range (Gamma); Identification Channel 30 keV – 3 MeV
Sensitivity (Cs-137); Identification Channel ≤ 47 cps/µSv/h
Sensitivity (Cs-137): Dose Rate Channel ≤ 81 cps/µSv/h
MCA: 1024 channels, 3 MeV
Dose Rate Range: 0,1 µSv/h – 10 mSv/h; ±30 %
Overload Threshold 5 mSv/h
Neutron Sensitivity 2,6 cps/nv; ±20 %
Nuclide Identification: According to ANSI N42.48
Typical Resolution ≤3.5 % FWHM at 662 keV at 25 °C ambient temperature
Dimensions (W × D × H): 70.3 × 33.8 × 125.5 mm
Weight: 340 g
Housing Material: Aluminium
Operating Temperature: -20 °C – +50 °C
Protection Rating: IP63 according to IEC 60529
Battery Internal (Li-ion, single cell, rechargeable) Capacity: 1950 mAh; 3.7 V; 25 °C
Battery Life: 300 – 500 full charge-discharge cycles; 3 a – 5 a
GPS: integrated
Input/Output: USB 2.0; mini-B socket
Reachback: ANSI N42.42 data via Bluetooth
DC Power Adapter, AC in: 100 V – 230 V; 50 Hz – 60 Hz; DC out: 5 V; 2 A
Car Power Adapter, DC in: 12 V – 24 V; DC out: 5 V; 2 A
Connection Cable Mini USB-B – USB-A; 1.83 m
Holster 60 g
Carrying Case: Included