We provide products which have become the industry standard for active dosimeters, passive dosimetry, surface contamination monitors, counting laboratory systems, on-line monitoring systems and related service and maintenance.
Comprehensive Detection, Measurement & Analysis Systems
Gammadata is a long standing partner to the nuclear market, maintaining a steady commitment and track record of reliability for more than 30 years. We provide products which have become the industry standard for active dosimeters, passive dosimetry, surface contamination monitors, counting laboratory systems, on-line monitoring systems and related service and maintenance.
OSL Eye Lens Dosemeter Hp(3)

The dosemeter badge is approved by several Radiation Safety Authority, such as PTB and SSM. It measure the dose to the eye’s lens according to...

The RGU-100-GO Military Pocket Radiac detects and quantifies prompt gamma and neutron dose as well as residual gamma dose and dose rate in support of...

The RDS-30 is a geiger counter based on a GM-tube and is a survey meter for gamma radiation detection measurement H*(10). Calibrated towards Cs-137...
CRC-55tW incl well detector

8” VGA touch screen color display Chamber plug-and-play capability NaI well detector for wipe tests and laboratory tests with 256...
AEGIS - Portable HPGe-Based Radionuclide Identifier

LN2-free cooler Thermal-cycle free cryostat IP65 ingress protection rating Operational in -20 °C to +50 °C ambient temperature when cooled...
DMC 3000 - Electronic Dosimeter

DMC 3000 is a electronic personal dosimeter (EPD) and a personal radiation safety device. The display provides information of the users dose and dose...
DMC 3000 Neutron Module

The Neutron Module provides operational dosimetry for radiation workers where there is a Neutron radiation risk. The add-on neutron module attaches...
SOR-R/T - MIL Electronic Dosimeter

Assignable electronic dosimeters Waterproof, light,small Rugged devices for battlefield use Hands free data exchange Transmission, even through...
LDM 320W - Dosimeter Reader Wall Mounted

Hands-free communication with dosimeter 3 LED indicators for access control Compatible witt DMC2000, SOR and DMC3000 Compatible with DosiCARE,...
DMC User - Reader Software

Communication with USB readers LDM 320 and LDM 220. Include Single user licens and Software. Licens valid for one PC and reader.
Alpha Analyst Integrated Alpha Spectrometer

Completely integrated alpha spectroscopy instrument 100% computer controlled electronics and vacuum Automatic recoil suppression control Modular for...
Lead-lined Cabinet for Hotlab

Modular: Easily upgrade setup Modern design Retractable shelves available Hotlab
Single Nuclide Liquid Standard

Traceable low activity solutions for calibration. Calibrated traceable solutions – 7000-series or Isotrak Non-calibrated solutions –...
NORM monitor-IS - EX-proof

The NORM Monitor-IS is a ATEX approved instrument with two probe options, Geiger Müller (GM) and scintillator. This enables users to monitor NORM in...
TL Dosimeter for RE-2000 Readers

The TLD thermoluminescence dosimeter with high sensitive TL-materials and low noise photon counting measurement method makes the system suitable...

The dosimeter cover is holding the slide holder in place. It’s available in different versions to be compatible with your old set of slides and...

High end hand held instrument with some really neat features and several probes. Available in two versions Colibri VLD – Very Low Doserat,...