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Everest™ ATR Accessory

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Get more from your analysis with the Thermo Scientific™ Everest Diamond ATR Accessory for the Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ Summit FTIR Spectrometer. A monolithic diamond ATR crystal and high-efficiency, all-reflective optics combine with a variety of interchangeable crystal plates to provide the robustness and flexibility to meet your material identification and verification needs. This non-destructive sampling method eliminates the need for sample preparation. 

The Everest ATR optics maximize energy throughput, so you get high-quality spectral data in seconds. Robust, simple operation is assured by the dependable crystal mounting system, and the Thermo Scientific™ Smart™ chip technology that integrates the Everest ATR into your Nicolet Summit Spectrometer.

  • Monolithic diamond crystal provides superior robustness
  • Full spectral range provides more information about your sample
  • Interchangeable crystals offer sampling versatility
  • Automatic accessory recognition enables high productivity

Meet your material identification and verification needs:

  • Verify pharmaceutical active ingredients and excipients
  • Identify polymers, copolymers and additives in plastics and rubbers
  • Inspect incoming raw materials
  • Analyze volatile liquids

Configure Your Everest ATR
Choose the crystal type to fit your needs and budget:

  • Diamond for liquids and all solids
  • ZnSe for liquids and soft solids
  • Germanium for highly absorbing materials like black rubbers

Spectral Range:
Diamond (AR coated) 7,800 – 400 cm¹
Diamond (Uncoated) 7,800 – 350 cm¹
ZnSe 7,800 – 550 cm¹
Ge 5000 – 650 cm¹

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