Smart OMNI Transmission module
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The Smart OMNI-Transmission incorporates several optimized functions to facilitate transmission measurements by increasing their accuracy.
Quick-Purge function reduces atmospheric water vapor and carbon dioxide that can obscure peaks of interest and complicate spectral analyzes. Quick-Purge reduces the time between sample analyzes by a factor of 5, which is extremely advantageous when a large number of samples must be analyzed in series. Closed design resists chemicals and protects the instrument from contamination and spills Sample positions accommodate most KBr pellet holders, Precision Pathlength liquid cells, infrared cards, film holders, gas cells and many other transmission tools
Time to Reach Environmental Equilibrium: Two minutes maximum
Purge Volume: 24 (61cm) approx.3
Sample Positions: Left to right, to optimize beam focus through cells and transmission maps
Maximum Cell Size: 100mm
Liquids, solids or gases that are placed in cells or cell holders and holders
Corrosive and caustic samples