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EYE-D – Eye TL Dosimeter Hp(3)

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
  • EYE-D offer Hp(3) measurements to eye lens
  • TLD

EYE-D allows for precise measurements of radiation doses to eye lens, also in case when protective glasses are used. In EYE-D the proven and reliable high-sensitive TLD material MCP-N (LiF:Mg,Cu,P) are applied, which assure the good energy response and broad dose range between at least 10 μSv and 10 Sv.

Associated accessories are;

  • Printed ID number (without bar code) directly on the holder
  • Printed bar code and ID number on label
  • Head band for EYE-D – part number 1235-417
  • Opening Tool for EYE-D – part number RAD-1000



Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

TLD detector: MCP-N (LiF:Mg,Cu,P)
Size of TL detector: 4.5 mm diameter or 3.2 mm x 3.2 mm, 0.9 mm thick
Dose range: 10 μSv – 10 Sv
Photon energy dependence: 30 keV – 1.3 MeV: < 20%
Light effect on signal and zero reading: negligible
Waterproof: yes
Sterilizastion: chemical (gas or liquid)

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