L78 Quenching Dilatometer RITA
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Service & reparation Request a quoteThe Quenching Dilatometer L78 RITA is especially suitable for the determination of TTT, CHT and CCT diagrams. The special induction furnace enables heating and cooling speeds in excess of 2500°C/s. The system complies with ASTM A1033.
All critical parameters such as heat up and cool down speed, gas control and safety features are software controlled. The professional software Linseis TA-WIN operates exclusively under the Microsoft© operation system. All routine (creation of CHT/CCT/TTT diagrams) and demanding applications are solved by the unique Software package which comes with the instrument. Certainly export functions in ASCII-format as well as graphic output is possible.
Chris Bradburn
- Sales - Materials Analysis
- Phone: +46 (0)18-56 68 09
- Mobile: +46 (0)70-396 18 88
- chris.bradburn@gammadata.se