DXR3xi Raman Imaging Microscope
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The Thermo Scientific™ DXR™3xi Raman Imaging Microscope now reveals research grade imaging faster than ever. With enhanced software features and higher spatial resolution the user can gain visual information instantly. Advanced imaging capabilities coupled with minimal sample prep and intuitive software give users the power of Raman at speeds researchers need.
- Ultra-fast chemical imaging that speeds scientific investigations
- Ideal for multi-user research facilities
- Minimize etaloning with new front illuminated EMCCD configuration
- Instant information with 3D visualization software
- New advanced particle analysis workflow for automated microparticle location and identification
Tekniset tiedot
- Simple operation accommodates users of all skill levels
- Faster data visualization with enhanced imaging software
- Advanced particle analysis to quickly identify and analyze tiny contaminants in your sample
- 3D confocal imaging provides non-destructive, non-invasive 3D investigation imaging for chemical and molecular compounds
- Intuitive workflow for demanding applications to maximize sample throughput
- Auto calibration for maximizing efficiency
- Accurate measurements with:
- Autoalignment and calibration – no tools required
- Automatic background compensation
- Adaptable configuration by any user within seconds – change the pre-aligned laser, filter, and gratings without any tools
- Speed data analysis and spectral interpretation with powerful Thermo Scientific™ OMNIC™xi Software
- Sophisticated autofocus and morphological analysis to track your location across uneven surfaces
- A chemically compare and contrast multiple features function to identify and rank features of interest