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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The IBAC 2 is a fully automated biological agent detector that provides 24/7 air monitoring. It alarms in less than 60 seconds when a bio-threat is present, triggering an onboard or remote sampler to collect a real-time sample for eventual analysis. In wide service throughout the world, IBAC 2 is used to collect and detect all four classes of biological aerosol threats (spore, viral, cellular, and protein toxins) at concentrations at or below industry goals.
Typical applications – Mass transit security, Building and critical infrastructure protection, Mobile labs and CBRNe systems and protection
- Sensitivity below 100 ACPLA (Agent-Containing-Particles per Liter of Air) with high confidence and low false alarm rates
- Autonomous 24/7/365 operation with no consumables
- Alarm automatically triggers sample collection
- Detection algorithms for indoor and outdoor use
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Tuotepäällikkö
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-56 68 03
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-826 58 37
- stefan.martensson@gammadata.se
Tekniset tiedot
Performance and technical specification – see datasheet
Liittyvät tuotteet
Detection algorithms for indoor and outdoor use Alarm automatically triggers sample collection Sensitivity below 100 ACPLA with high confidence and...