Triathler Bequerel Finder
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The Triathler Becquerel Finder from Hidex is an ideal tool for measurement of radioactive contamination in food and foodstuff. Samples are placed in a Marinelli Beaker of 1L or 0.4L total sample volume. I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 are most common gamma emitters in case of a nuclear emergency. The Triathler Bequerel Monitor has a multichannel analyser so that isotopes can be separated from each other and calculate a spillover correction.
In addition, water and swipe samples can be measured easily in emergency response were betaemitting Sr-90 is an important isotope.
The External Detector can be connected to a standard Triathler Liquid Scintillation Counter to create a complete measurement system for alpha, beta and gamma emitters.
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566803
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-8265837

Tekniset tiedot
Energy Range: 15 – 1000 keV
Stand alone or connected to PC
Detector: 50 x 50 mm NaI planar type
Shielding: 40 mm
Single or dual label counting with spillover correction. Spill over correction can be made in PC
32 character alphanumerical display
Preset nuclides:l-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137
Detection limit 20 Bq/L Cs-137, 5 minutes counting time
The BecquerelFinder can be connected with Triathler LSC for combined alpha and beta detection
Control unit: H 190 mm, D 330 mm, W 250 mm, weight 6 kg
Lead shield: H 400 mm, W 240 mm Weight 105 kg
Power input: 12VDC, 3 A or 230 VAC, 50/60Hz
425-034 Triathler Liquid Scintillation Counter
431-043 External Bq detector
431-042 Enlarged lead shield for external detector
525-001 Alpha/beta separation
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