Scintillation Cocktails & Consumables
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Vials LSC

Vials for liquid scintillation 20 ml glass, 100 pcs – part number 463-0207 ml glass, 200 pcs – part number 463-00720 ml...
ProSafe LT+

Low Level Counting Cocktail. ProSafe LT+ is the latest addition to the ProSafe range of NPE-Free LSC cocktails and as such does not contain any...
Unquenched LSC Standard

Hidex Unquenched standards for LSC provide reliable and NIST traceable tools for instrument performance validation. The standards are manufactured...
AquaLight AB

Hidex AquaLight AB är en vattenlösande DIN-baserad cocktail för alfa-beta-separationstillämpningar, såsom direkt detektion av Rn-222 i vatten...
Gold Star LT2

Gold Star LT2 is used to measure Low Tritium levels at Low Temperature. Gold Star LT2 accepts up to 12 ml water in 10ml cocktail with Tritium...
ProSafe Bio+

NPE free LSC Cocktail for Biological Samples.For counting urine and plasma samples. Designed for quick and easy mixing.Bottled in 5 Litre bottle made...
AquaLight Beta

AquaLight Beta är DIN-baserad multifunktionell LSC-cocktail för vattenhaltiga och icke-vattenhaltiga prover. Speciellt designad för hög...
Gold Star

A multi-purpose LSC cocktail. Capable of accepting not only up to 10 ml of dilute aqueous samples in 10 ml cocktail, but also lesser amounts of ...
AquaLight + Ultra Low Lewel

Hidex AquaLight+ Ultra Low Level cocktail is water-dissolving DIN based cocktail with highest performance for low level tritium counting, high sample...
AquaLight +

Hidex AquaLight+ is a general-purpose high safety scintillation cocktail for aqueous and non-aqueous samples, for both general beta counting and...
AquaLight + NPE Free

Hidex AquaLight+ NPE Free is a general-purpose cocktail for aqueous beta samples with high sample capacity and low background. The cocktail contains...
ProFlow G+

Developed to work with most commonly encountered eluents, including gradients, used in Flow counting.ProFlow G+ is NPE free and does not form gels,...
ProSafe Rn/AB

ProSafe Rn/AB is the NPE-free cocktail suitable for extractive (two-phase) counting of radon in water samples. ProSafe Rn/AB is lipophilic and forms...

This is a high-capacity carbon dioxide absorber used to trap radioactive carbon dioxide produced in sample oxidizers and pyrolysers. 1 ml absorbs 4.8...
Oxidizer 600 OX Radiocarbon

Oxidizer 600 OX Radiocarbon is a complete liquid scintillation cocktail for trapping and counting radioactive carbon dioxide. This cocktail is...

NPE free LSC general use Cocktail. Bottled in 5 liter bottle made of strong thick plastic with screw-thread top suitable for a Brandt Dispenser.