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Triathler External NaI detector

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
  • External NaI well type detector

The Triathler NaI system from Hidex is a turnkey solution for detection of various gamma emitters. The external NaI detector is equipped with 2″ by 2″ well type detector that provides good counting efficiency of gamma isotopes. The detector is surrounded by a lead shield of 33 mm. Applications include measurements of isotopes from PET laboratories or radioactivity from environmental samples. The external NaI detector can also be connected as an optional module to Triathler LSC.



Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Isaksson


Tekniset tiedot

Sample Types: LSC vials, Microtubes, Test Tubes 
Detector: Single-Photon Counting PMT
Display: 2 x 16 character alpha-numeric LCD 
Energy Range: 2 keV – 2000 keV
Counting Time: 0.1 seconds- 99999 minutes
Output: RS-232C to PC or thermal printer 
Power: 1~230 V or 12 VDC 
Dimensions: 33 L x 25 W x 19 H cm
Weight: 9 kg

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