Wideband variable gain up to 100 MHz
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
- Variable Gain 10 to 60 dB (x 3 to x 1,000)
- Bandwidth DC to 100/200 MHz Independent of Gain (Guaranteed)
- DC-Drift 0.6 µV/°C
- Input Noise 2.5 nV/√Hz
- Local and Remote Control
The bandwidth of amplifiers usually decreases with rising gain. The rise times of pulses and fast signals therefore vary with the gain setting. This complicates exact and reliable time-resolved measurements. We have solved this particular problem in our innovative Wideband Amplifiers: bandwidth and rise/fall times remain constant with ± 10 % maximum deviation.
Dynamic Input Range: 10 µV to 100 mV
The multistage design of FEMTO Amplifiers avoids the disadvantages of programmable attenuators or multiplying amplifiers where dynamics are limited by the noise and drift performance of the main amplifying stage.
Standard delivery time: 3 weeks ARO, Conditions: Ex.Works Germany unless specified