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PM-11 – gamma scint probe for RAM DA-2000

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
  • PM-11 sensitive 2″ x 2″ NaI(Tl) scintillation probe

PM-11 is a sensitive scintillation probe for detection of gamma radiation. 

A low voltage interface connects the RAM DA 2000 monitor with the probe.The PM-11 contains a highly efficient, hermetically sealed, NaI(Tl) scintillator, 2″ diameter and 2″ thick, coupled to a 2″ photomultiplier tube. This is encased in a rugged, splash proof housing for protection against shock, vibration and humidity. The probe also contains a high voltage power supply, single channel analyzer (SCA), pulse shaper, GM saturation indicator, detector identifier and malfunction detection circuitry. This configuration minimizes noise, improving sensitivity and stability.


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Radiation Detected: Gamma above 50 keV
Scintillator: NaI(Tl) 2″ diameter, 2″ thick. Window of 20 cm² area
Energy Calibration: Optional factory calibrated single channel analyzer (SCA) within the energy range
Count Rate Range: 0 – 50,000cps
Sensitivity: Cs-137 = 300 cpm/Bq/cm²
                 Tc-99m = 315 cpm/Bq/cm²
                 I-131 = 320 cpm/Bq/cm²
                 Cr-51 = 27 cpm/Bq/cm²
Output Signals: TTL pulses. Detector status: ID, OK, malfunction, overflow
Temperature Range:
Operation: -10 C to +50 C
Storage: -20 C to +60 C
Humidity Range: 40% to 95% RH (non condensing)
Dimensions: 340 mm length, 70mm width
Weight: 1.75kg
Casing: Aluminum, splash proof

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