Alue- sekä ympäristövalvonta
Fixed monitoring systems are used to monitor areas where work with radioactive substances occurs and poses a risk to health or detonation. The equipment ensures that the business complies with the laws and regulations that are relevant, maintains safety, and protects workers from radiation exposure.
Gammadata offers quality-assured products for monitoring with associated ecosystems such as software and maintenance programs.
LB 790 - 10 channel Low-Level Alpha/Beta Planchet Counter
Radon influence suppression through unique probe sealing mechanism (applied for patent) Detector comprises 5 modular dual detector segments and a...
PERFORMANCES Trapping efficiency > to 95 % (HTO & HT) The bubbler is equipped with a relative humidity compensation system: No...
LB 2046 - Portable Alpha/Beta Activity Measuring System
The portable Alpha-Beta Activity Measuring System LB 2046 offers the simultaneous and separate measurement of alpha- and beta-activities in different...
The drone sensor SPIR-Explorer allows detection, measurement of dose rate and identification of radiological sources. It is intended to be mounted on...
The MUVE R430 is a radiation detector designed for unmanned aerial systems used to detect, locate, measure, map, and identify radioactive sources...
Radiac sensors for vehicle and naval vessel
The RADIAC LLR detector system is a military grade nuclear radiation monitoring system. The detectors are equipped with shock absorbers to meet the...
The iCAM is a continuous air monitor measuring airborne alpha and beta particulate activity. It acts as a alarming monitor for operators, while...
Stand alone portable, manual, single sample alpha /beta counter Automatically identifies and compensates for radon, thoron and progeny interference...
EcoGamma-G monitor is an advanced measuring probe for environmental dose measurements with dual detectors in a mobile network. The dose rate...
LB 115
The LB 115 data logger is a stationary monitor for one or two independent detectors. The operation of the device is controlled with 7″ touch...
ABPM 203M - Mobile Alpha/Beta Particulate Monitor
The small and light weight extendable sensor of the ABPM 203M allows this monitor to function locally next to the respiratory tract of personnel. A...
WRM2 - Wireless Remote Monitoring System
WRM2 is a teledosimetry system. This compact, robust system provides features for wireless personnel and area monitoring, and increases worker...
AMP-50/100/200/300 - Submersible Monitoring System
The AMP instrument consists of the Meter box, which includes the display unit, operating pushbuttons and detector’s electronics and the...
LB 9140 - Alpha/Beta Moving Filter Monitor
LB 9140 is a measurement system for measuring airborne alpha and beta emitters in air. It can handle airflows up to 3.3 m³/h. The measurement system...
DPU-3 is a multiple detector based dose rate meter, capable of supporting one internal gamma detector and three external detectors. It could be...
RDS-32 Radiation Monitoring Alarm Box
Place the radiation protection instrument RDS-32 or RDS-MED in the enclosure and you get permanently mounted monitoring. It can also be made mobile...
LB 9000 - Datalogger
Data Logger LB 9000 with PC software is a versatile data collection system for various radiation protection detectors. It has a modular structure,...
LB 761 Alpha/Beta counter for 200 mm Planchets
Low-level activity meter LB 761 is intended for 200 mm planchets with simultaneous alpha and beta measurement. The background of the system is low...