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SS600 scint probe 100 cm²

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
  • Scintillating large area surface contamination probe

A series of three large area (100 cm2 window) probes. Equivalent to the BP6/AP2.

3 versions available
SS600A = alpha only,
SS600B = beta/gamma
SS600AB = alpha/beta (dual phosphor with zinc sulphide bonded to a plastic scintillator) which avoids the traditional use of anthracene in this application and with a comparable response.


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot


SS600 Alpha/Beta, α background 1.9 cps, β background 7.5 cps. Listed as percentage of 2π emission rate

Nuclide Emission Efficiency
Am-241 α 39.30%
Pu-238 α 42%
Nat U α 43.1
Sr-90/Y-90 β 38.4
C-14 β 1.5
Pm-147 β 4.7%
Pu-238 β 4.7
Co-60 β 14
Cs-137 β 28.8

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