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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Rapid screening of processed or raw food products for key nuclides I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137

  • Clear, immediate indication if any nuclide-specific maximum permissible concentrations are exceeded
  • Transportable using compact and wheeled detector shield
  • Supports wide range of samples including 1 L Marinelli, metal food cans, beverage cans and plastic containers
  • Completely battery-powered – from laptop PC’s USB port
  • Room temperature operation with option for temperature stabilization if measurements will be made out of doors
  • Genie spectroscopy algorithms teamed with the intuitive Genie-FoodPro user interface designed for the application

The FoodScreen Radiological Food Screening System is a complete, transportable food analyzer for quickly determining whether raw or processed food has become contaminated from a radiological event. A sample is placed into the shield, a count is initiated and a final report is generated. The report lists activity or minimum detectable activity concentrations found in the sample for the key nuclides of interest for food products: Iodine-131, Cesium-134 and Cesium-137. Based on nuclide-specific limits pre-determined by the system manager, the report will also state whether the sample is “Clean” or “Above Limit”. Above limit samples may need to be investigated further in a higher resolution detector system such as the Mirion FoodSpec Radiological Food Analysis System.

The system consists of a 2″ NaI detector, Osprey multi-channel analyzer, 7F7 mobile lead protection, Genie and Genie-FieldPro software.

MDA targets, examples;

Container Cs-137 typical target Count time
1 liter marinelli (water) 20 Bq/l 4 min
Food can (veg/meat) 50 Bq/l 8 min
35 cl soda can 20 Bq/l 110 min
900 g plastic container 50 Bq/l 20 min


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Isaksson


Tekniset tiedot

Detector: 802-2X2  NaI(Tl) 2″
MCA: Osprey
Lead shielding: 7F7, 38 – 42 mm lead
Spectrocopic software: Genie 4.0
Weight: 166 kg


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