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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

The SVLD probe for measurement of Very Low Dose equivalent rate is designed to be used with CSP meters such as Colibri or Radiagem


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Internal detectors: CsI(Tl)
Measured unit: µSv/h calibrated in H*(10)
Energy range internal detector: 59 keV – 1.5 MeV (within 40%)
Dose rate measurement range: 0,01 μSv/h – 1 mSv/h
Sensitivity: 70 cps per µSv/h (Cs-137)
Protection class: IP55
Dimension: 105 x 80 x 26 mm
Weight: 177 g
Temperature: -10 to +45°C

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