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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

The SB-100 probe for measurement of surface contamination is designed to be used with any CSP survey meter. Its thin plastic scintillation detector with 100 cm² detection area makes it an ideal tool for direct measurement of beta emitters, covering applications like working station contamination check, workers body/clothes frisking or large area check for free release approval.

The probe body diameter has been reduced to facilitate general handling and reduce the risk of drops.

– SB-100/A: aluminized mylar window on metallic frame, thickness: 9 mm. Improve beta but detects alpha.
– SB-100/B: aluminium window on metallic frame, thickness: 24 µm. Very good alpha rejection.
– SB-100/AR: mylar window with additional thin grid on metallic frame, thickness: 9µm. Additional thin grid to better protection in harsh environment.


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Detect: Beta
Detector type: Sandwich type, ZnS adhered to 1,5 mm plastic detector
Energy range: SB-100/A(R): Beta >50 keV, SB-100/B: Beta >150 keV
Gamma sensitivity: Cs-137 ≤ 25 cps/μGy/h
Measurement range: 0 – 10000 cps
Detector area: 102 cm²
Detector window: 6 µm mylar
Temp: -10°C to 45°C
Casing: Aluminium
Size: 318 x 99 x 102 mm
Vikt: 710 g

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