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SS404 low energy gamma probe

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Thin end window scintillation probe designed to be an equivalent to the Mini 44A. It incorporates a Ø32 x 2.5 mm thick NaI(Tl) crystal mounted on an aluminium window and is fitted with an internal 3,15 mm lead collimator to reduce background counts. Perfekt for survey of low energy gamma emitting isotopes like I-125 and Fe-55.

  • Thin scintillation detector with lead collimated low energy gamma probe
  • Aluminium end window


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Operating Voltage Typically 650V DC
Detector Crystal Ø32 x 2.5 mm NaI
Energy Response:
SS404 Al: 15 keV to 250 keV
SS404 Be: 5 keV to 250 keV
Housing Connector MHV
Dimensions Ø54 x 185mm
Weight 820g
Temperature -10ºC to +50ºC

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