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Gaard Lock PET Syringe Shield

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Gaard Lock PET Syringe Shield designed for PET and 9 mm thick tungsten shielding that attenuates FDG F-18 by 88%. The syringe shield is offered with or without a high density lead glass window that provides protection and visibility. A white reflective surface on the shield interior improves viewing of the syringe’s markings and fluid content. The syringe shield features a flanged locking mechanism that speeds the loading and unloading of the syringe, further reducing hand exposure.

Gaard Lock PET Syringe Shields accommodate the standard sized 3 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml syringes.


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Shielding: Tungsten 9 mm
Lead glass: 5,6 g/cm³ density

007-716: 3 ml, length 74 mm, weight 770 g
007-717: 5 ml, length 76 mm, weight 910 g
007-718: 10 ml, length 91 mm, weight 1400 g

007-974 – replacement lead glass for all Gaard Lock PET models

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