Shielded syringe carrier
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
Shielded syringe carrier to reduce exposure during transport of syringes. It comes in 4 versions, depending on size and shielding. The ends has doubled shielding to reduce the exposure from the ends of the syringe.
3 mm lead
001-181 Syringe Carrier, Small
001-179 Syringe Carrier, Large
6 mm lead
001-182 Syringe Carrier, Small
001-180 Syringe Carrier, Large
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566803
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-8265837

Tekniset tiedot
Large 001-179
Dimensions: inner 210 x 76 x 74 mm, outer 240 x 112 x 89 mm
Lead Shielding: Sides, top and bottom: 3 mm, Ends: 6 mm
Weight: 5.1 kg
Small 001-181
Dimensions: 203 x 48 x 50 mm, outer 235 x 86 x 66 mm
Lead Shielding: Sides, top and bottom: 3 mm, Ends: 6 mm
Weight: 3.4 kg
Small 001-182
Dimensions: inner 190 x 43 x 43 mm, outer 235 x 86 x 66 mm
Lead Shielding: Sides, top and bottom: 6 mm, Ends: 13 mm
Weight: 4.9 kg
Large 001-180
Dimensions: inner 196 x 66 x 69 mm, outer 240 x 112 x 89 mm
Lead Shielding: Sides, top and bottom: 6 mm, Ends: 13 mm
Weight: 7.7 kg