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Service & reparation Request a quoteThe SpirVIEW Mobile software provides a rapid unique map for a local and global radiological situation awareness. It centralizes the alarms from the various units deployed on the field. It’s scalable supervision software providing a situation overview and compilation of data from the mobile equipment from the teams on the field. This supervision system is composed with a software suite, a database and a data transfer system.
- Real-time radiological situational awareness
- Data fusion: pedestrians, ground vehicles, aircraft, marine vessels, UAVs, rovers, robotics
- Centralization: local and global detailed analysis
- Security: data transfer and storage
- Facilitate communication with the field and the regulatory authorities
- Remote alarm confirmation (Reachback)
Data sheet
Göran Jonsson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566820
- Mobile: +46 (0)70-6220407
- goran.jonsson@gammadata.se
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