AMG – Automatic Gamma Counter
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Service & reparation Request a quoteAutomatic Gamma counter from Hidex is the premier measurement system for high energy gamma emitters, as well as low level gamma activity and environmental samples, suitable especially well for sophisticated research in nuclear medicine and PET applications. The counter is equipped with a 3 inch thallium activated sodium-iodine crystal to support gamma counting and a modern MS Windows based touch screen operated interface for user-friendly operation. The design with small footprint and low weight allows integration into small laboratories. The instrument has 55 mm internal and on conveyor side 80 mm lead shielding design for low background and minimal interference.
An optional automated sample balance with excellent weighing technology and weighing resolutions as low as 0.1 mg provides high precision and efficient measuring. There is no external radioactive standard needed. Transportation and movement of standard instrument does not require licenses for handling radioactivity and decommissioning is easy and low cost.
- Calibration source to be placed manually in a sample rack to perform calibration
- Automatic balance for sample weighing
- Sample specific Barcode reader (availabe Q2 2015)
- Foot pedal for accurate timing of short lived isotopes
- Extended energy range up to 3 MeV
Enjoy the Hidex introduction video by clicking here
- Single 3” NaI well-type detector
- Automatic carousel conveyor with continuous loading
- Compact design 65cm width
- Scalable conveyor carousel for various sample capacities
- Barcode reader of the racks
- Optional automatic balance for sample weighing
Stefan Mårtensson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566803
- Mobile: +46 (0)76-8265837

Technical specification
Detector: 3″ well type NaI(Tl)
Detector shielding: 55 mm lead in 4π + Cu liner (80 mm lead towards the sample storage)
Sample vials: No restriction in shape. From 0 – 28 mm diameter. Max height 95 mm
Sample racks and vial holders:
Rack 1 for Ø13mm vials 10 samples/rack.
Rack 2 for Ø28mm vials, 6 samples/rack.
Vial holder for Ø13mm vials.
Vial holder for Ø28mm vials.
Rack capacity: 13 racks (78 samples, 20ml tubes) or 25 racks (250 samples, 3ml tubes)
Sample ID: Barcode languages is code 39.
MCA: 2048 channels multi ROIs
Energy Range: 0 – 2000 keV. (Optional 0-4000 keV)
Number of Isotops: 51
Counting efficiency:
58 % for I-129
47 % for Cs-137
6 % for Cr-51
Typical background: Full window 0-2000 keV 350 CPM.
Count Rate: up to 10 million CPM, with MCA
< 30 % for I-129
< 9,5 % for Cs-137
PC and Software: Windows based, Hidex AMG user interface software,
Physical Dimensions: 640 mm (Width) x 700 mm (Depth) x 600 mm (Height).
Weight: 205 kg
Operating conditions: 10°C – 40°C
Voltage: 230 VAC
Normal Power Consumption: <100W, max power consumption 350W
Vial transport: Robotic loading arm with elevator mechanism.
Communication: USB
More technical details available under the tab datasheet