HIDEX 300 SLL (Super Low Level)
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
- Compact, Small footprint (55 cm wide) & Low weight
- Triple coincidence detector with optimum detection geometry for highest counting efficiency and absolute counting by TDCR method
- Modern Windows based software on external PC
- Alfa/Beta separation with 2D graphical tool for convenient a/b calibration and reliable verification of the results
- No external radioactive source required for quench correction
- Luminescence free counting mode
The Hidex 300 SLL automatic TDRC liquid scintillation counter features a Super Low Level version of the successor 300 SL system for the most challenging low activity samples. Equipped with active guard detector, digital Pb shield and low level photomultiplier tubes for detection of low level beta and alpha radiation, suitable especially well for low level environmental radioisotope monitoring, radiocarbon dating, biofuel verification, direct DPM counting without external radioactive standard source and for extremely low levels of alpha activity when equipped with alpha/beta separation electronics.
The counter is equipped with unique 3 Low Level PMT technology to support low level TDCR counting, active guard detector for subtracting environmental background and modern MS Windows software for user-friendly operation. The design with small footprint and low weight allows integration into small laboratories and makes the system truly transportable. Instrument is delivered with dedicated laboratory table with wheels. The instrument has min. 70 mm extended internal Pb shielding design for low background.
Results are obtained automatically as DPM using TDCR quench correction method without radioactive standard source. Transportation and movement of standard instrument does not require licenses for handling radioactivity and decommissioning is easy and low cost.
Watch a presentation of 300 SLL on youtube
Read more about Liquid Scintilation Measureing Procedures here
– 425-2001 Temperature control. Cools down a stabilize the instrument 5 deg C below ambient
– 525-003 Alpha-Beta separation. Resolution 300 keV at 5 MeV using frosted or teflon vials
– 425-019 External standard method using Eu-152 standard source
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Isaksson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566807
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)70-5926356
- stefan.isaksson@gammadata.se

Tekniset tiedot
Please see tab datasheet for technical specification
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