Lääketieteelliset säteilylähteet
Sources for medical application like Flood sources, Dose calibrator sources, Spot markers, Rulers, Rod sources for well counters, Pen Point sources etc.
Flood Sources

Eckert & Zieghler Flood Source provides a uniform field of radiation for evaluation of Nuclear Medicine gamma camera performance, allowing...
Vial Sources

Each E-vial reference source comes with a certificate of radioactivity calibration that guarantees accuracy within ±5%. QC of dose calibrators...
Disc Sources

Disk Sources are mainly used for checking the performance of radiation protection instruments and NaI detectors. The type D disks measure 25,4 mm...
Rod sources

The type R rod is used for calibrating well type NaI(Tl) detectors. The active diameter of the rod standard is 4,75 mm. It is constructed of high...
Tube Sources

The type T plastic test tube is used in clinical instrument calibrations. Each polypropylene tube contains 0,75 mL of active epoxy with the...
Sources for SPECT

E&Z manufactures Attenuation Correction line sources for SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) studies. Typical Sources for SPECT...